im starting to attempt to make planets (modifying current ones through XML) but i have two questions: how do you combine planets together and how do i get a lightly modified jun star with a few planets to a faaar away place from jun system?... (thx for the help)
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11.5k Chtite451SR2
@undefined1 yeah i know that mod, havent downloaded the new one but i do understand the concept :P i just need a yellow "star" really even if its a gas giant i need a place for my planets to orbit...
120 undefined1
@Chtite451SR2 Yes, you can. Also you can download SimpleGalaxy2 mod, where stars are gas giants.
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when i say combine planets i mean i want to combine them so i can make a system P.S: how do you change a planets atmoshpere color? (if you can)