Is there a way to select a specific part on a target craft (e.g. docking port) automatically using Vizzy?



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    43.9k goz

    Thanks for the thorough reply @sflanker . I’ll search the suggestions and post one about this if it isn’t already there.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    As far as I'm aware this isn't possible right now. You can only target crafts or planets with Vizzy, and this is done by name (and it would appear that if there are multiple craft with the same name in flight only the oldest one is targetable with Vizzy). This area is ripe for suggestions, such as the ability to list all craft in flight, have a way to refer to each craft in flight by some unique id, have a way to get information about another craft in flight without actually targeting it, and as you are trying to do, target a specific part by craft id + part number or part name.

    +4 4.9 years ago

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