i want to change the engine input,but there are not any input controller of the engine in xml. so how to change it?



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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @NathanMikeska thank you so much

    4.7 years ago
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    @sujun Throttle, Pitch, Roll, and Yaw

    4.7 years ago
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    861 IanJDYT

    Hmm the answer to this can also help me out with My CAV Gryphon OMS

    4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @sflanker OK thanks

    4.7 years ago
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    Mod sflanker

    I'm not sure what the Id is for gimbal (which is what the tilt of an engine used for steering is generally called). I got "Throttle" by guessing and testing.

    4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @sflanker what 's the input ID of the engine turn?

    4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @sflanker OK

    4.7 years ago
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    Mod sflanker

    Hmm, tagging the devs might be a little presumptuous.

    You can add an InputController element to an engine. The critical thing is that the inputId attribute be "Throttle". The input attribute can be whatever input you like, or a variable reference. Here is a simple example using Slider 2:

    <Part id="2" partType="RocketEngine1" position="1.846184E-11,-2.778583,-0.01585913" rotation="1.366038E-05,0,0" activationStage="0" commandPodId="0" materials="0,0,2,3,4" engineTypeTexture="RocketEngineType" subTypeTexture="RocketEngineSubType" nozzleTexture="RocketEngine_Nozzle">
    <Drag drag="1.103653,1.073959,0,0.387503,1.265845,1.263503" area="1.508117,1.508117,0,0.8001133,1.703801,1.703801" />
    <Config />
    <RocketEngine engineSubTypeId="GasGenerator1" mass="4.61046171" nozzleTypeId="Bravo" price="662818" size="0.8" />
    <InputController input="Slider2" inputId="Throttle" />

    4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro


    4.7 years ago


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