i want to change the engine input,but there are not any input controller of the engine in xml. so how to change it?
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10.3k sflanker
I'm not sure what the Id is for gimbal (which is what the tilt of an engine used for steering is generally called). I got "Throttle" by guessing and testing.
10.3k sflanker
Hmm, tagging the devs might be a little presumptuous.
You can add an
element to an engine. The critical thing is that theinputId
attribute be "Throttle". Theinput
attribute can be whatever input you like, or a variable reference. Here is a simple example using Slider 2:<Part id="2" partType="RocketEngine1" position="1.846184E-11,-2.778583,-0.01585913" rotation="1.366038E-05,0,0" activationStage="0" commandPodId="0" materials="0,0,2,3,4" engineTypeTexture="RocketEngineType" subTypeTexture="RocketEngineSubType" nozzleTexture="RocketEngine_Nozzle">
<Drag drag="1.103653,1.073959,0,0.387503,1.265845,1.263503" area="1.508117,1.508117,0,0.8001133,1.703801,1.703801" />
<Config />
<RocketEngine engineSubTypeId="GasGenerator1" mass="4.61046171" nozzleTypeId="Bravo" price="662818" size="0.8" />
<InputController input="Slider2" inputId="Throttle" />
</Part> -
@NathanMikeska thank you so much