RCS rockets are used for docking, right? Well, my attempts at docking my crafts aren't going to well. Instead of my craft adjusting it's position in space, instead it just spins out of control and does weird stuff. What could I possibly be doing wrong?
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119 FLYGUY101
@SmurfResearchX Okay, so in other words, the nozzles must be on the same plain as the COM.
373 zeropol
I can't tell you you "have to" change your RCS to regular ones, but you can try. I did a few test with the multi directional RCS and indeed they sometime had a strange behavior.
Let us know when you find a solution :) -
7,853 SmurfResearchX
@FLYGUY101 - in the builder mode, there is a view to show where the Center of Mass is on the craft/satellite - if the rcs blocks are not even with the CoM, it will cause the craft to rotate...the same as the Center of Thrust for the main engines will cause rotation of the craft - it might be easier to see than explain on here - ill send you a link to a craft that should show it better
119 FLYGUY101
@SmurfResearchX Okay, thank you for that tip. I will try using the chase camera mode next time. What would you say would be the best placement choice for RCS nozzles? You say they should be in "balanced positions with the mass", could you possibly clarify on that point?
119 FLYGUY101
@zeropol Yes, I did know that. Thank you for pointing that out however. So if I understand what you are saying, I should not use the multi directional RCS nozzles as they can be a problem, but rather use the regular RCS nozzles as they work better?
7,853 SmurfResearchX
maybe check if the rcs thrusters are lined up with the center of mass, or in balanced positions with the mass. if it is not close, it can spin when in translate mode, also - and when the craft begins to get close enough to use rcs, try changing the camera to "chase" mode...it is hard to tell which side is the top(so up/down/left/right are oriented properly) on symetrical satellites, and chase mode wont rotate the view slowly like orbit view does - i think the single direction rcs(in the block assembly) works better also, like zeropol said
373 zeropol
I've heard multiple times the multi directionnal RCS can cause problem, and that we should use the normal ones until they are fixed. More experienced players could tell you more, or different, things.
( also , if you want to translate your craft using RCS, don't forget to click the "translate mode" : the cross at the right of the screen, because the default mode is rotation )
@FLYGUY101 - yes - i put a tag on an example craft to look at, it should show up as a notification