If they are, then why can’t they catch up to Zpacex, Virnin Galactic, And Bnoeig?
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3,462 tsampoy
@Awsomur But Yeah, the feds are busy right now, with the wall and stuffs :|
588 Awsomur
Government isn’t as rich as you’d think. The US is trillions in debt, so less money goes to NASA than SpaceX has available. The feds also have to use funds to stop opioid crisis, engage in warfare, maintain infrastructure, build walls, etc. SpaceX literally has one goal: Mars. So because of that, it can achieve liftoff a lot quicker than NASA, but maybe to less results (we shall see).
Because private companies get to pick where their money goes, and governments spend most of their money arguing about where the rest of the money goes.
And not too many of them argue to send it into space.
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I don’t think it’s extremley political, but the wall is a little edgy. :P