This is Edward Jenkins. Is the only crew member aboard the Adventure 1 (mission to search for life on Earth) He is the first Space Sailor to to go into space ( in my program ) and the first space sailor to walk on Earth. He made first contact with humanity when a ranger found Edward walking outside his command pod. He landed near a small cabin in Maine's wilderness.
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3,692 HorizonsTechnologies
@KuiperAerospace updoot my comment on the merch announcement forum for a possibility
5,241 Kuiper0
Could you maybe send these pictures in a Google doc or something? I would like so see these again since SR2 is getting Merch and an SR2 plushie would definitely fit the bill, aswell as being cute and a big money maker. (Petition for an SR2 plush lol)
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@KuiperAerospace Haha ok