I was wondering if there is gonna be career mode in the future because this game has been released for 2 years and theres not much to do if there isn't a goal in the game



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    Yes cause if you long oress cost it says money doesnt matter....yet ehich implies they are adding it

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    I think the answer to this is yes. There are hints at career/campaign mode in the game (like tracking the cost of rockets), and right in the description on Steam you've got: "We're bringing it to Early Access while we work on a Planet Builder, Campaign Mode, and other key features." Speaking of which, I don't know about the verbiage on other app stores, but I wouldn't say SimpleRockets 2 has been released for 2 years, it was in beta for some of that time, and even now it is "Early Access." The version number is still 0.9xxx, when that rolls over to 1.0 the game should be considered "released." Sorry if I sound defensive, I just think this game is amazing and super fun as it exists today. In my mind the "goals" are: learn about the physics of rockets, aerodynamic flight, and orbital mechanics/maneuvers; recreate historic, current, and future vehicles and missions from real world spaceflight; create complex and ingenious automation for craft maneuvers and functionality; build amazing, intricate, and beautiful vehicles (space worthy or planet bound) that are either strikingly true to their real life inspirations, or stunningly creative and fanciful.

    That said, will campaign mode be a welcome addition, absolutely.

    +12 4.8 years ago


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