I'm trying to make a space telescope and want to XML edit the camera so I can get zoomed in views of what I am targetting. I've gone into the XML file for the craft and found the camera part, but what do I need to add or change to accomplish what I'm trying to do?



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    43.6k goz

    Not sure about XML, but you should be able to accomplish this with Vizzy. The camera Zoom, X Rotation, and Y Rotation features are very helpful for me when I'm making videos. Let me know if you need more instruction and I can link to a craft or video.

    4.7 years ago
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    373 zeropol
    • short term : I'm not sure it is possible. Please @ me if you find a way.

    • long term : vote for this suggestion so all camera have zooms.

    4.8 years ago

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