It’s Possible to ad on the future little astronauts in the game, look like kerbonauts ?



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    Droods... I'm commenting on a 4.7 year old post and this user is probably not even alive anymore

    1.5 years ago
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    @swope This isn't the kind of game for that.

    3.8 years ago
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    5,276 14ROVI

    @Reen1 okay shhhh

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    208 Reen1

    @14ROVI be quiet bro :)

    6.2 years ago
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    208 Reen1

    @14ROVI hahaha

    6.2 years ago
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    5,276 14ROVI

    @Reen1 Androo garrison?!

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    507 swope

    I would like the astronaut characters to have specializations that improve as they gain experience. I never liked the KSP pilot/engineer/scientist categories, stars, and special abilities.

    Piloting skills can be developed in aircraft, suborbital flights, near-Droo docking, etc. High-skill pilots can stabilize unstable vehicles, optimize launch-to-orbit trajectories, learn to avoid overshooting when pointing the craft in a different direction, precisely landing on a selected place on a surface (runway, pad, or just a flat spot with no boulders), or do "automatic" docking like Mechjeb in KSP. Maybe the button to slow down time should only be available when a skilled pilot is on board.

    Astrodynamics skills can be developed by planning multiple maneuver nodes, flying to different SOIs, and rendezvous with other craft. Highly skilled astrodynamicists can take user instructions like "launch to rendezvous with target", "Hohmann transfer to target", "deorbit to land here", etc. The higher their skill level, the more optimal their plans become (combining plane-changes with apoapsis changes).

    Science and instrument specializations could be in categories like geology, radars, spectroscopy, biomedical, cryovulcanism, etc. Skills in these areas increase each time a scientific survey is made. Highly skilled scientists will recognize opportunities for science and highlight them. That means picking more productive landing spots, more efficient global surveys, picking better surface samples, and more breakthrough discoveries (orange soil on the moon!)

    New recruits come with random skill levels, but skills can be increased in any category. Natural pilots can learn science. Scientists can learn astrodynamics. And so on...

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    208 Reen1

    Human + Droo = Androo .. wt? lol

    +6 6.2 years ago
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    6,278 Pjork

    Something like the astronauts from astroneer would be very fitting

    +4 6.2 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    Test pilot does the trick

    6.2 years ago
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    112 eonn44

    I hope so.

    6.2 years ago


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