In game, we can set the astronaut as primary controller of a flight rather than command chip or command pod. As yet we can't set activation groups for the astronaut. Could that be something to add in the future?



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    5,769 SelectAKey

    i dont like setting pilot as primary messes with AG's just set command chip or pod to replicate AG's.choose between either changes or all. not sure the difference to be honest. lol but im wondering if tou can write a quick vizzy for a pilot's AG's to change dependant on craft they are piloting? curious about tinkering with that myself now cause thats been bugging me also.

    4.8 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    Thanks for the info !

    4.8 years ago
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    514 OldCoach

    @zeropol I've made a version of the Vostok capsule using a cargo section as the portion of the cabin where the cosmonaut's seat would be. I have three AG's attached to the cosmonaut's chair- 2 side interstages and 1 parachute. One side interstage attaches the seat to the floor of the cargo section and serves to eject the seat with cosmonaut from the capsule. The 2nd side intersatge is attached to the back of the seat and releases the parachute from the seat upon landing. The 3 AG's associated with the cosmonaut while he is in the capsule are listed as 5,6 & 7 on the AG list and have designations: 7- eject seat, 6- chute deploy and 5- chute release. Once I click on 7, the cosmonaut is ejected from the capsule. I click on [ and the screen is centered on the cosmonaut. His AG list show AG's 5,6 & 7 with no label- just listed as activation group. Apparently, the cosmonaut/astronaut carries whatever AG's are attached to him when there's a transfer.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    What would happen when an astronaut transfer and sit in another vehicle ? Should he keep his actions groups and associated Vizzy ? Should the astronaut AG be a copy of the "current" craft's main chip AG ?

    4.8 years ago

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