Not sure if this has been answered before (can't find the search function on the forums), but can you have multiple control objects on the same craft? As an example, I'm trying to have a lander and a rover loaded on the same craft. They would separate in low orbit. Then I would control the rover down using the landing features, switch over to the manned lander, and control that down. Every time I try creating a craft with multiple control objects, I experience issues such as a loss of set staging. Is this even possible currently or planned for the future? Thanks!



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    Dev Pedro

    It works, but in xml each control unit has different stagin and ag data, so if you want to keep useful staging and/or ag you have to set primary each control unit, config them and then select the one that you want to be primary for launch.
    In the BFR project I had 4 different AG and stage configurations (the ship, the booster, the 2nd stage and the Roadster).

    5.8 years ago
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    @Bmcclory Thanks for the reply! That's the way I have it set up...odd. I set up my rover as a sub assembly and brought it in, confirming that the pod remained primary. As I assembled the full rocket, I noticed that some engines disappeared from my staging. I tried reset, but that didn't make any difference. Is it possible to add the engines back into the staging once they're gone?

    5.8 years ago

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