One of the most consistent requests I've seen is for Jundroo to add a communications element to the game. I think that using some vizzy scripting it's possible to make a communications program in the game. I'm going to lay out my thought process and plan for building this program, if you've got experience with vizzy and see an error or know how to do a part of this please let me know!

  1. Setup a secondary command chip attached to whatever the "communication" element of the craft is (IE, the radio dish). I'll refer to this command chip as the coms chip from here on.

  2. Create a separate program for the coms chip. Both the main chip and other command chips can run programs simultaneously.

  3. The coms chip sends and receives a "tag" to any other coms chip it can communicate with.

  4. Coms chips can communicate with any other coms chip that is within it's range and LOS.

  5. As long as the craft is within range and LOS of any craft that has the coms chip on it, the player can control the ship.

  6. If the craft is outside of the range/LOS of a coms chip, the program basically shuts down control of the craft (unlocks all headings, kills throttle, deactivates all AGs etc).

Let me know if you have any feedback/see any mistakes in my thinking that might cause this not to work. I'm going to start some experimenting with it to see if I can get a working prototype.



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    @pedro16797 This is exactly what I had in mind. It wouldn't be perfect, the player would have to "play along" with the system, but I do think it could be done.

    4.8 years ago
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    This would be amazing!

    4.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    There's a link to cr in the sr2 profile page of CR (i'm Bout to sleep now, if I remember and you still haven't joined I'll invite you tomorrow @IntegratedSpaceSystems)

    As for the constraints, something you can do is name your coms sats relays and have one crart called ground segment or similar in Droo surface. If ypu have a ground station or a relay within reach nothing happens, if not the sliders (including direction and movement) are stuck to 0.

    4.8 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    Ah, I see, so you're basically introducing some additional constraints on what craft can be taken control of. That sounds more doable. As long as the player abides by the rules you could have the flight programs orchestrate switching of control like so:

    1. Player targets a particular craft.
    2. Player toggles an AG or activates a "button" part
    3. If the target is reachable via communications link player control is transferred, if not an "unreachable" error is displayed.

    One limitation I can think of if you're not making a mod is verifying that a particular craft has a communication device that makes it part of your network. With a mod you could do things like check for reachability via a system of relays as opposed, and flip control back to the previous station (or the root station) when the player craft goes out of range of the network.

    This is a neat idea and would be an interesting basis for a set of challenges.

    4.8 years ago
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    @sflanker Well, the ultimate goal of a communications system is to provide a reason to build satellites. If a craft is in communication with the communication system then it is able to "receive commands" from the player. The idea is that, unless the mission is manned, you can't control a probe unless you can get a signal to it. If the probe is communicating with the network, then the player can control the craft, otherwise the craft becomes uncontrollable like a dead probe would be.

    4.8 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    My question is: what is the effect you want to achieve when the craft qualify as "communicating"? I think it is feasible using vizzy alone to come up with a list of crafts that meet your criteria, but then the question becomes what to do with that? There is a mod in development to do some sort of communication network, discussion in the Complex Rockets discord, perhaps @pedro16797 can invite you.

    4.8 years ago
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    @sflanker it wouldn't require any craft but the current one to have it's program running. All it would need to do is check whether there is another craft within LOS and range (let's say 1000 km). If this condition is true, then the craft is communicating with other crafts. 2 major hurdles I need to overcome are creating a LOS function and being able to check the connection status of the other craft to some sort of home receiver

    4.8 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    I don't think what you are describing is possible without a mod, but since you've upvoted my inter-craft communication mod perhaps you are planning to use that or something similar? When you say "the craft is within range" and "the player can control the ship" what do you mean exactly? While we do now have the ability to transfer control to other craft, there is no way to remotely control a craft. Regarding range, it is also important to note that the 10km limit for other crafts running vizzy is currently a pretty hard limit. I have looked for ways to create a mod that hacks this but the distance checks and craft-unloading code is pretty locked down, so even using private internal members I don't think it is possible to tweak this with a mod.

    4.8 years ago


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