Can someone teach me how to write modifications (or planets)?
For example: what programs are needed for this, how to write code, what attributes, and so on.
Hepl pleaes :/


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    10.4k sflanker

    Modifying planets is currently done via XML. There is not yet a tutorial for how to go about this or any documentation of the XML tags and attributes so customizing planets is pure experimentation. The best way to start is to use PanetStudio to open an existing stock planet, save the planet with a new name, edit the XML file for your new planet, and then reload your new planet in PlanetStudio. The planet's XML files can be found in UserData/CelestialDatabase/CelestialBodies. Please refrain from re-uploading close copies of other peoples work, and do not circumvent the attribution system.

    I believe the reason there is no documentation for this is because the developers are hard at work giving us an easy to use mobile friendly UI to customize planets. So if you are not up for experimenting and reverse engineering the XML, which I understand has taken others hundreds of ours to accomplish, I recommend you wait until the official release.

    +1 4.8 years ago

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