I encountered a weird problem: whenever I separate the second stage from the center, while remaining the fairing, the stage tips over. If I jettison it, it goes back to normal. The fairing does minimal changes to CoM so it should not affect the way the rocket behaves I think. Even after I made it slick it still tips over on most of my rockets.



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    112 eonn44

    This is likely an issue over the center of lift and center of mass. If the center of lift is above the center of mass, then your rocket will flip head over toe until it crashes. the simplest solution to this, like Sumeee said, is to add fins to your second stage. if you are unsure if this is the problem, click the eye icon in the editor and then the red and blue indicators (center of mass, and center of lift respectively). As long as you keep your CoM, and CoL in their respective places, your spacecraft should never barrel out of control unless you bank or yaw to hard to one side or something.

    6.0 years ago
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    640 sumeee

    Most likely you have more drag on the upper part of your craft. The engine will try to compensate this, but it the drag becomes large enough than the engine will not be capable to compensate and the craft will tip over.
    I don't know much about how the aerodynamic physics is modeled in this game so this is my best guess.
    How to fix the issue:
    - longer burning first stage (this will get your second stage to a less dense atmosphere)
    - larger second stage engine
    - smaller fairing (if possible)
    - maybe fins on second stage

    6.1 years ago

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