I'm going to be doing a capsule design contest for my anthro 2 rocket
this contest will last 3 months
so have fun and you dont have to make a capsule If you dont want to
I'm going to be doing a capsule design contest for my anthro 2 rocket
this contest will last 3 months
so have fun and you dont have to make a capsule If you dont want to
@Aerothecat I see the other reply to Doublesh Aerospace,i don't need a reply for me that is the same as the other you write...
@Giova2020 You just need to make a capsule that can launch on my anthro 2 rocket and that can carry up to 3 astronauts (you can choose if you want it to carry astronauts) and have a liquid fuel abort system.
@DoublehshAerospace You just need to make a capsule that can launch on my anthro 2 rocket and that can carry up to 3 astronauts (you can choose if you want it to carry astronauts) and have a liquid fuel abort system.
@Giova2020 ok sorry