Whenever I go up into orbit and use RCS to dock and move around, the craft does not comply as it should with my keyboard controls. For example, if I go into translation mode and I press Q, E, A, or D instead of going the expected up, down, left, right, it goes in some random diagonal direction, making it 10x as hard to dock with. Similar discrepancies occur off translation mode. I have even tried it on the docking practice challenge to see if it was just my designs and sure enough, I am unable to just go simply up and down and left and right. Does this happen for anybody else? Should it happen?
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43.4k goz
@TheUnfriendlyGhost well that’s definitely frustrating. Have you submitted a bug report in-game yet? I did one the other day and the response was fast.
43.4k goz
@TheUnfriendlyGhost one more thing: what camera mode are you using? The chase cam automatically orients to your crafts yaw/pitch axis, making translation way easier. You probably already tried this though.
@Gozinya oh it happens with all my crafts. I’ll post a video of it happening later.
Nah I’ve made sure of that as well. If that were the problem, my craft would tip up or down but I’m telling you that whenever I try to make any sort of movement up or down or side to side it will only move in a diagonal direction. @Gozinya
43.4k goz
Is your RCS balanced around the craft center of mass? You can check by looking at the coordinates of each RCS thruster. Ideally one is at -2.00 and the other is at +2.00, rather than one at -2.00 and +2.50 (or similar).
5,769 SelectAKey
ive noticed this also with my SARCO when it wants to roll the corresponding rcs valves act as if i wants to pitch down instead of rolling starboard. might have to do with mav ball fix. just be patient theyll fix it
I’ll do that @Gozinya