I don't think ive ever seen a game that encourages user generated content quite like SR2. Installing mods, editing XML craft files, downloading crafts, creating entirely new solar systems to play in. Everything in this game is geared for the players to create and expand the base game.

I think if the devs added a few more functionality parts, and actually finished the campaign mode (You guys have promised it to us since the beginning. We haven't forgotten.) Then the game should be fully released and let the community build the game from there.

Shout out to sflanker and ComplexRockets for creating some amazing mods for the game already, I can't wait to see what happens next.



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    COUGH COUGH simpleplanes COUGH!! COUGH

    3.1 years ago
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    SimplePlanes is completely oriented around the site and the community. There’s very little to explore in the game, thus the main thing is building, this sharing creations on the site is the main bit of the game.
    Even more so than SR2. SR2 seems pretty toned down compared to SP when it comes to the community drive lol.

    4.7 years ago
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    @Natedog120705 You know, I never got really into SimplePlanes. Don't get me wrong, it was and is a great game and I sunk a good 12 hours into it. But it's nothing compared to my crippling addiction to SR2

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    6,068 Natedoge

    Eh hem.... have you ever heard of SinplePlanes?

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    they made the website before the game even came out. it was modeled from the SP website with modifications of course. game was built for the community from the ground up.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    559 SATA

    I think @IntegratedSpaceSystems that you have made the right point about this. I have never seen a game like this before and the community. It is fascinating that in a game like this the developers are not the only game creators here, but the whole community takes part in that development as well. I think the devs have made the right choice to release the game in early access, so that the community can play this game and report bugs in which the devs patch those bugs and the game gets better and so on.

    Simplerockets 2 is a game like no other the fact that is playable across platforms is quite amazing and it has it very own website for the community to live, thrive, and be together. I recon that once the developers have added all of the features and fully release the game, the community would then take over from then.

    Great statement you thought of there!

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    This is the charm of independent companies. I'm glad that they are.

    +1 4.8 years ago


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