After many corrections, I managed to reach a geostationary orbit over Droo.
Satellite data:
Planet: Droo
Velocity: 1.252 m/s
Altitude: 8.863 km
Orbit data:
Eccentricity: 0.0
Inclination: 0.09 º
Semi-Major Axis 10.138 km
Apoapsis: 10.138 km (8.863 km of height)
Periapsis: 10.138 km (8.863 km of height)
Right Ascension: 5.96 º
Arg of periapsis: 355.07 º
True Anomaly: 294.22 º
Period: 14.12 hours
Every two years you begin to see the differences between periods of the satellite and Droo, because the orbit is not perfect. There will probably be future updates.
Game Version: v E.A.
I hope is useful data : )
@FIsMyName happy to hear that : )
@CM277 cool ^^
I haven't played the game for a long time, happy to see how close I was to get perfect geostationary orbit.