When using a rocket on autopilot, the roll input command from Vizzy does not properly register. The autopilot actively fights against any commands, putting the craft into a unstable situation.

Potential Solution:
If the roll input from Vizzy is non-zero, override the autopilot with whatever the Vizzy input is.



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    22.9k Rizkyman

    Using bank angle to controll roll

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Not sure if its needed, or even how to post a here's an example for the dev's of a craft that does the roley poley maneuver.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    if it was possible to have the PID controls adjusted by vizzy program, and a seperate roll adjustment in rocket configuration(like the plane setup has) - it would be easy to just set the roll PID to 0 when a program event was happening, and then turn it back on afterwards for the auto pilot to take back over....adjusting the PID on the fly would be super helpful for lots of control programs - spaceplanes/targeting/VTOLs

    +2 4.8 years ago


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