This is pretty cool
Let’s see what the have to say!
Has a post been made on this already? After 10 seconds of looking, I didn’t see one so :p
Anyways, I guess this is pretty cool :D
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3,718 EnceladusDynamics
@Rafaele am i supposed to be sensing some form of hostility from you?
21.4k Rafaele
@Hash i'm tired of explaining it but anyways.... they're mostly used as "cute anime/furry emotes", but they have other meanings too
3,718 EnceladusDynamics
@Rafaele checks out, have a nice day/night.
But we still have designated OwO zones.
3,718 EnceladusDynamics
@Rafaele I'm sorry sir but this is a no OwO zone, please OwO in the designated areas, UwUs are fine though, also as protocol i will need to see your OwO/UwU license.
692 Jerba
The only thing that bugs me is that they don’t call the planets by the correct names
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