For those who don’t know, I’m jamesPLANESii from the SP community. From what I’ve seen, this community has split off quite a bit from SP since I last came here.
I haven’t been on this site for a while, and haven’t really interacted with the SR2 community as it is right now at all really.
In fact, I javen’t really been here since mods were added to the game, and that was ages ago; and that’s really what I wanna talk about.
I’m here to get up-to-date again. Are there any essential mods to download? Is there a connection editor like SP has here? Are there 3 view blueprint overlay mods here? What’s overload like compared to SP? Are there any features that make building more efficient or less restrictive that have been added to the game or as a mod since about a year and a half ago?
That’s all I guess lol

Have an aeroplane picture because aeroplanes are better than rockets 😈

Edit: I sure hope there’s some sort of connection editor. Connections are one of my least favourite parts of this game. There aren’t enough of them on crafts, and parts seem to be extremely fussy about how they connect with their position and stuff. Tbh would rather have more than less and be able to have freedom over them, like SP has. What do you guys do to overcome this?



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    The part connections editing in this game is incredibly atrocious and severely limiting IMHO. In SP, you can have nearly infinite amount parts connected to one connection on one part (or multiple parts) while in SR2 you can only add one part per connection on another part, which I find to be very limiting on what you could do in SR2. Still greatly enjoy SR2 though, but for my plane-building needs I still prefer SP.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    5,728 Bori0


    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Ahh thanks! @WNP78

    4.7 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @AN2Felllla in the tools window, click on the very first tool (the picture of the mouse) and then the big blue button that says "PART CONNECTIONS"

    4.7 years ago
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    How do you do that? Like, where is it in the menu? @WNP78

    4.7 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    There are connection tools built into the game. As well as manually viewing and manipulating them you can disable unused attach points - for instance if you wanted made a complex assembly, you could then toggle off all the unused attach points on that and enable only the one you want to use to connect it to the rest of the craft.

    4.7 years ago
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    There are only handful of mods (literally) so you can check all the mods in the mods page in 5 mins :P

    4.7 years ago
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    1,015 ThePilotDude

    I don't know exactly what has changed here but I decided to give SR2 a try a couple of weeks ago and really loved the building mechanics, even more than SP's, which I never felt possible. Controllable astronauts are why I'll never go back to SP, as the feeling of being able to build a plane, walk around it, and then actually sit down in your cockpit is amazing. Def use Overload, and there is a connection editor, although it is a bit temperamental.

    4.7 years ago
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    Bold of you to say ”aeroplanes are better than rockets” in SimpleRockets.com

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Essential Mods: That depends. If you want realism, go for REO/SEO(Real/Stock Engine Overhaul and RSS(Real Solar System). Overload seems pretty important, too(Not stock yet).
    Overload is basically the same, as far as I can tell.

    4.7 years ago


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