I have tried three times to design a multi-stage rocket, and each time half of the stages have no fuel in the tanks. Getting very frustrating as I’ve spent hours looking for the cause.
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2 MichaelT
I found what the problem is..... I can't put multiple motors on the same tank. The fuel adapter does not work and this is frustrating me beyond belief.
7,552 Hannah1212
Usually with many stage rockets the interstate and engine are separate stages. So you activate stage to separate the stages. Then you activate stage again to start the engine and then the fuel in the stage will show up. So usually odd number stages have fuel and engines, and even numbers are just the interstage splitting.
2 MichaelT
@RubikGekk as far as I know.... motors attached to the tanks and interstage connections to separate each stage. It’s looking more like a bug in the editor than anything. I’m mainly using my iPad and haven’t tried it on the laptop yet. The mobile version is very difficult to use.
Okay, I figured it out. Had to add an additional interstage for some reason....