Announcement21 Comments
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43.7k goz
This is the same feeling I get every time I accidentally open a sandbox that was advertised as a craft.
21.4k Rafaele
Whoaaa, I was with only 250 points and now I'm platinum! Thanks dude :3
@NightmareCorporation @YourBestFriend Also bruh there's no rick roll, maybe you got a virus xd
100 PyrrhaNikos
First day of Simplerocket and got already Rick roll
Oh well back to the Simpleplanes -
135 s89Aerospace
I got so many points. I can not be more happy right now. Definitely.
15.7k Hylo
Super useful. @BoganBoganTheMan
Lol just tagging mods for some reason blink blink -
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@theUSSR .-.