I’ve seen this on crafts that were even on mobile, but I don’t know how to do it. I cannot put a picture here, so I’ll just ask, how do you put an engine chamber pressure or throat size beyond it’s limit? I’ve seen some users even on android that the engines say “45,000 MPa or 4% nozzle throat size, or 400% nozzle length, how do you do this?
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10.4k sflanker
This is done by editing the xml for the craft and setting the respective attributes to a value that is greater than the maximum allowed in the UI. My understanding is that there are apps for Android you can use to edit the craft xml files, but I'm not an android user so I don't know the details. You might find this guide I found on Reddit useful.
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@sflanker I’m on iOS but I have a PC to do it on.