I’ve lost all my motivation to build stuff in SR2. I doubt I’ll get any motivation to do so anytime soon. Well, that’s it. Bye
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5,728 Bori0
Should be useful.
It has real life images & concept designs of anything you need (Shuttle, rocket, plane, rover, and much more...)
And did I mention it has memes? They're 5 months old memes tho. -
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@Ker0 @TestRunner Thanks a lot. Maybe I will try looking on Pinterest for inspiration.
5,728 Bori0
Losing motivation isn't a cause for goodbyes.
It's totally a normal thing to happen.
All I do when I lose motivation is just wait...
Wait for something to inspire me. So far this trick works a charm.
For my inspirations I use (Pinterest) you'll be required to create an account, but it's worth it.
I just browse on for some time and BOOM!! Here's my next build.
For a builder/artist, inspiration is my currency, and without it I can't create.
So when I have no inspiration, I just go watch a good movie or something, look at other people builds, or enjoy my world as it is.
There is no such thing as a Builder's block @TestRunner
But sometimes it isn't always the case & a break might be more useful. Which is the same thing as waiting for inspiration.
I hope I helped & made a fool out of myself.
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@DoublehshAerospace I’ll try to get my motivation back ASAP because I got 2 pretty neat crafts in the making that you all would probably enjoy, I just need the spirit to finish them. But yes, I’ll try to come back as soon as I can so I don’t become like those 2 people
15.7k Hylo
@KoroAerospace don’t stay away for too long, otherwise you will become @FaridRjb and @Slie
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@Iamamatrian I’ll try to continue building but I don’t know
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@theUSSR You’re using my post about how I have no spirit to continue on as a way to ADVERTISE your shortfilm? What kind of selfish prick are you?!
@theUSSR No not really, but I’m feeling much better after my break from Discord so maybe I’ll start building again