and one thing i can think of is getting Sean aka jacksepticeye to play it somehow, i believe he's the only famous guy who played both simple rockets and simple planes so he'll definitely get into this one. so flood the comments section or call him out on twitter, he will notice us at some point
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11.1k Notapier
Not anymore, it was on simpleplanes when when the youtubers were at the highest. Attention isn't bad for the game, it's basically free advertising. Which means more revenue.
11.1k Notapier
Things like this are really bad for the community. With people making absolute garbage and stealing other people's content all for some internet fame. Pretty much Thanos'd Sp.
1,746 DerekSP
Actually, I don't think it does yet. There's still a lot of unfinished and unimplemented features, and many people judge the game by it's first impression. The worst thing that could happen is a big youtuber playing it; a short burst of activity that would result in thousands of abandoned accounts belonging to people who would likely not return because the game they came to know was not at all finished and lacked many great features. (also, Jelly in SP...)
507 swope
I think it's a fairly narrow fanbase that will enjoy what is almost purely a sandbox game. As the gamification increases with updates, and the fundamentals get more solid (mod API, customizable engines, docking, etc.) then I think more of the famous YouTubers, etc. will give more time and attention to SR2.
134 bonnierfr
@iOpportunity well yeah i don't think anyone with over 500k subs does
I did email him. But knowing how much emails he gets he probably didn't see it...
And also I think he's a changed man than before.
And he wasn't a science guy to begin with.