I’m try to build a plane like a a380 but it’s don’t fly
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15 Skywylder
@swope is right, the col should be farther behind the com, the bigger the plane is.
2,458 Klosskopf
empty most of the fuel. I stayed with the given size, thrust and liftoff mass. Then it should work. And landing gear. Lots of landing gear
507 swope
Start with something simpler.
Here's a fighter I did: https://youtu.be/8d-WLo_piSo
Keep a close eye on center of mass, center of lift, and center of thrust. CoL should be just a little behind CoM.
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@Skywylder - I don't know for certain, but I think A380 has an automatic system to pump fuel foward or back to control the CoM (in aeronautics we still often say "center of gravity or c.g.). I'm thinking they have an optimum static stability margin and minimization of trim drag.