So I am building an interstellar space starion with lots of delta v
I am building a full interior so I came up with a docking mechanism.
Problem is how do I control it. It can handle 1 docking mechanism but I have 8 Ports
So what do I do



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    2,966 LofiTurtle

    Aside from clicking the port and deactivating it, or using AGs, I don't see any way to control a docking port. You might be able to do something with vizzy though. What kind of behavior are you looking for?

    4.6 years ago
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    1,666 Marssmmm

    I understand that crafts can’t dock to themself. The problem is I have 4 hatches and 4 sets of pistons to activate individually.
    I don’t want to have 20 AG s for the craft

    4.6 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    One thing to be aware of is that it is not possible for a craft to dock with itself, so if you are trying to assemble a station with multiple segments in orbit you can only dock each new component with precisely one docking port on the station. There's a suggestion to change this, and if you are on a PC there is a mod to work around it. With either the mod, or with that suggestion implemented, you could construct a robotic arm to precisely position components in order to get them docked.

    4.6 years ago


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