I saw a post a few days ago in which it was explained how to use multiple command pods in one rocket. I can't find that post now so I'm asking how to to do that. In one comment it was said to configure the command pod. Forgive me for being dense, but what does it mean to configure the pod and how do you do it?



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    507 swope

    I put three command pods on one craft thinking the CMG moments would be additive. However, my craft doesn't seem and faster in angular acceleration.

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    514 OldCoach

    "Each pod/chip can only control what is attached to them, not what it is attached to (needs verification)". I think I understand what you mean by "each pod/chip can only control what is attached to them". I don't understand what you mean the latter part of the statement, particularly the" needs verification".

    6.0 years ago
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    Click a command pod/chip
    Look at its settings
    Select "Set Primary" to make that pod/chip the master pod/chip

    Each pod/chip can only control what is attached to them, not what it is attached to (needs verification)

    6.0 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    Forgive me because I'm a noob but I will try to help with what little I know.

    While in craft building screen, select the Command Pod (or Command Chip), then click on the Part Properties icon on the left menu. From there you can "select as Primary" or alternatively you can "edit activation groups". Clicking on this will click on the activation groups for that Command Pod.

    You can then assign each part to a specific activation group, Then in the staging menu you can select the order of stages and the parts that belong to it.

    Disclaimer: I havent configured different Command Pods on one rocket or assembly yet, so I hope other, more experienced rocketeers will chime in.

    6.0 years ago

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