Question7 Comments
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55.1k KirRu
@Rizkyman yes, this is ESS. Add this planet to the latest version of ESS please
22.8k Rizkyman
Too many craft in your sanbox, your system is ESS? I will add that planet to your ESS
55.1k KirRu
@Rizkyman can you copy this planet:(https://www.simplerockets.com/PlanetarySystems/View/0ghs39/Venus-Analogue) to my sandbox( https://www.simplerockets.com/s/xxxBii/backup ) please?
22.8k Rizkyman
Download the system sandbox first, and then copy planet xml from sandbox to your own system
55.1k KirRu
@sflanker i know about systems. I hope we will be able to download planets individually soon
Mod sflanker
I'm not sure you can download celestial bodies individually on mobile, since Planet Studio isn't currently available on mobile. However you should be able to download a planetary system by clicking the blue download button and then clicking download for mobile. This should automatically open the app and download the system.
@sflanker @KirRu @Rizkyman