I would report this as a bug but i can't even open the game enough to have that option. What is happening is that I open the game off steam, and its at the menu of the planets and the single play button in the middle. I click the play button and the planets rotate, but right when the main game menu is supposed to pop up it just freezes and wont do anything. Any help here? I spent money on this so it would be helpful if it could work.
Edit: btw this has been happening every time i've tried to launch the game for the past week, i've tried deleting it and reinstalling it, but nothing has worked so far. Any help is appreciated
Question11 Comments
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Dev NathanMikeska
@IAmMyBoss Try deleting your settings file and launching the game again. The settings file should be here:
/Users/parker_kids/Library/Application Support/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2/Settings.xml -
118 IAmMyBoss
https://pastebin.com/D3gdmNNQ does this help (sorry i haven't been on this website for a bit i just saw this) -
Dev NathanMikeska
@IAmMyBoss Sorry, I think the MacOS location should be here:
~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log -
118 IAmMyBoss
@NathanMikeska is that for windows or does that also work for mac, i forgot to mention im on mac
Dev NathanMikeska
Sorry to hear you are having trouble. After the issue occurs again, can you provide us with a link to your game's log file (via pastebin.com or dropbox or something similar)?
The game log file should be located here:
%APPDATA%..\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\output_log.txt -
40.8k KellyNyanbinary
Do you have the C++ library? I heard that it has something do with this, but I can’t be sure and that’s all I know.
No problem, glad I could help!