I'm using a flattener for the creation of a base in RSS using parts but I'm running into a problem. Using:

<Modifier type="VertexData.RadialFlatten" enabled="true" name="RadialFlatten" hierarchy="PlanetModifiers/LaunchSite/RadialFlatten" order="0" pass="HeightFinal" latLong="0,0" elevation="400" falloffPower="1" innerRadius="10000" outerRadius="15000" />

The supposedly flat terrain has certain curvature, making my runway (4km long) sink in the middle and float in the limits. Is this caused by falloffPower or directly by planet curvature? Is there any possible fix for this?

I assume falloffpower affects only the transition between the flat terrain and the normal surface.



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    @pedro16797 Probably possible, it might looks strange though...

    6.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska could it be possible to make a rectangular flattener? Instead of radius, length and width for the size. We can even use sub-biomes to color it grey

    6.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @swope You can sink it or place it in a place surrounded by mountains, but with the planet builder it would be far easier

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    507 swope

    @pedro16797 but it won't look like the floor of a valley.

    6.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @swope we have one: the base
    There's a xml modifier that flattens terrain in a circle, go to the system xml and make the base one as big as you want

    6.1 years ago
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    507 swope

    Maybe a dry lake could work procedurally like water, but be solid to land on?
    Some bodies have ice lakes or solid lava lakes.

    6.1 years ago
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    507 swope

    General Boyd called Rogers Dry Lake: "God's gift to the Air Force."

    6.1 years ago
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    507 swope

    Could runways be made of segments that conform to the local terrain? Real world runways are mostly not flat.
    And in the early days of Space Shuttle, they used to land on dry lakebeds at Edwards AFB and White Sands, marked with asphalt outlines of the runways. It would be good for SR2 players to have a big, flat dry lakebed to land on until they get the skills to line up with the runway and manage their energy.

    6.1 years ago
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    hmmm.... I dunno if that will happen. I've made a note of it though, something to think about.

    +2 6.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska A fix for me would be something that may sound scary to you.
    We can disable part collisions... what about ground collisions? I mean, if you have some parts with ground collision the craft won't fall into oblivion and this may be useful.
    I know it's dangerous for casual gamers that may get confused with it, maybe making it only accesible by xml editing or plaving it in hidden options...

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    No current 'fix' for the problem. Maybe it could be done with a custom modifier (or maybe tweaks to RadialFlatten). Another approach would be to have the runway curve to match the curvature of the planet. That gets tricky though if you want the runway to be usable on planets of different sizes.

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    The falloff power just controls how the blend between the flatten and the non-flatten occurs between the inner and outer radius.

    6.1 years ago
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    Pretty sure you are probably dealing with the curvature of the planet. RadialFlatten is setting the elevation to the specified value at every sample point, its not relative to the center position of the radial flatten. If you had a radial flatten with a radius that encompasses the entire planet, the planet would still be a sphere and it would have a uniform elevation across the planet.
    We have had our own issues with runways and planet curvature...

    +1 6.1 years ago


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