I am having problems with 2 aircraft I'm building, and they both have longitudinal stability problems. They tend to do a backwards flip right from the runway during the takeoff roll, or if I work hard enough to get them airborne sometimes there is a tendency to do a sudden "tuck" and point down sharply. I am using canards and delta wing one one while using a diamond wing configuration on another. I am trying not to use hoz. stabilizers on the tail, only a vert. stab with rudder. I am making sure the craft is not too heavy and that the CG is ahead of the center of lift. What are other things I can do to improve longitudinal stability?
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507 swope
@KraZIvan - it's going to be a few days. I'm out of town for the long weekend.
11.7k KraZIvan
@swope https://www.simplerockets.com/c/nPD0qQ/Prototype-SSTO feel free to tweak as you wish, but I warn you in its current form it is unflyable lol
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@swope no worries, any help is appreciated. Enjoy your weekend! :D