downloaded a massive planetary system, overloaded my RAM, had to delete SR2 and re-install it, now EVERYTHING is gone, all my WIP crafts, the Dione Launch Vehicle is gone, all my outposts and satellite, gone. my motivation has gone to ash and dust and i have no idea how to get it back. i’m deeply sorry that you won’t see any new crafts anytime soon.
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3,909 SpaceTrebuchet
@KoroAerospace I feel so bad for you. Next time sr2 fails to load make sure to transfer your sandbox, vizzy script, subassembly and craft files to new folder and import them to there respective locations next time to keep your data
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@KoroAerospace well if you uploaded it its not lost... but if you didnt then well... sandly yes its lost forever :(
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@AndrewGarrison I did that, but it didn’t work, i don’t know why.
Dev AndrewGarrison
I'm sorry to hear that. It is possible to fix some of these issues by using the Files app to remove a problematic sandbox or craft from your SR2 installation.
15.7k Hylo
Hey don’t worry
I broke SR2 when building my best craft and uhm... took a month to get it back
But just get over it; hit your head on your pillow 10 times and take a 30 minute break and try again ^_−☆ -
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@Chtite451SR2 i have no plans on re-building Dione, i lost too much progress, maybe i’ll make something similar when i feel better.
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
1) on mobile (iOS), i have no PC
2) the WHOLE game broke, i couldn’t even get to the title screen, it just immediately crashed
3) i already re-installed it, so i have no hope of gaining back what i lost -
11.5k Chtite451SR2
Sorry... now this makes me think I shouldn’t use simplegalaxy (it’s I think the largest system... is that it?) on my iOS... lucky for me I have a pc that doesnt explode from that... good luck rebuilding what you lost... :(
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