I've been working on a system, and unlike something like ESS or RSS it doesn't have a singular defining feature I can name it after. It was built from the ground up so there's no droo, I'm using a slightly smaller version of my old planet Kharth, so theres no droo, and its relatively large moon mourd (not uploaded yet) is prime for gravity slingshots as to make interplanetary travel easier but not simpler. Its only other defining feature worth mentioning is it has a bianary planet system named the gargantuan system, with each planet being gargan and gargon, and all of the moons are themed around the massive tidal forces it creates. Right now I'm calling it Pyre but that's sorta a placeholder name. Any suggestions would be great bcs I have no idea what to name it.



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    15.7k Hylo


    4.4 years ago
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    @McDuetchVan I like to come up with random combos of letters to make a random word and/or name like
    Uvaris or
    Yerstov. I'm writing a story about space so I need to come up with system names. I find it fun and relaxing.

    4.5 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @SirPorg2 why omiair?

    4.5 years ago
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    4.5 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @YourBestFriend something like uncharted sounds cool, though I definitely can't do uncharted as that'd just be copying the very popular game series uncharted

    Edit: So did the whole Google thing and apparently Terra incognita means unknown land in latin, and stellae means stars, so I could go with the masculine version of incognita bcs it sounds cooler and call it Stellae Incognitum, or just Stellae, or just incognitum.

    4.5 years ago


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