Do you have a sense of humour?

Did you wish that Simplerockets 2 was more about fun?

Then you're at the right place! Welcome to KitKart! a one of an only SR2 content creator dedicated to giving you a more humorous approach to Simplerockets 2.

Explore many different videos differing from one another. While one may be about how to have fun with your astronauts, another may be about exploration on a new world! Maybe it could something even crazier!

Aviation fun

Exploration Fun

When you are bored with your astronauts

So don't be shy!

Come on! Go ahead!

Watch my videos and most importanly...


You can also join my discord if you're really into my videos!

Discord link!
Yes, another discord advertisement

Now what are you waiting for!


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    10.4k sflanker

    @theUSSR There is nothing in the rules about not posting links to Discord servers or YouTube channels. So long as the it is relevant to SimpleRockets 2 this kind of content is a benefit to the community. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding previously, but no post should have been removed solely because of a Discord/YouTube link (perhaps there was some other issue).

    +2 4.5 years ago
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    4,131 KitKart

    @theUSSR Alright, guess I'll just move on with my day.

    4.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,131 KitKart

    @theUSSR I don't understand what you mean by saying "That's rude", because apparently advertising your youtube channel is going to offend the people who use this site.

    Could you please elaborate more?

    4.5 years ago


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