I play on mobile, and during a flight a glitch happened and the game crashed. Every time I enter the game it just says loading, and I can hear the in flight music. Does anyone know how to restart the game? I have restarted my phone, offloaded and reinstalled the game, and it still does the same thing.
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3,679 JSO18
@MSCSpaceworks It worked! I did not even have to get rid of the game, just take the game states folder out of the SimpleRockets 2 folder so it automatically generated a new one- it must have been stuck in that last flight of mine- by getting rid of that last flight’s file I must have fixed it- I even was able to put the files back after opening the game- nothing at all was lost!
3,679 JSO18
@MSCSpaceworks @Silentime @plane918273645 thanks for all the help! I will try this.
3,679 JSO18
@plane918273645 so will it work if I just copy the entire craft design folder and put it out of the SimpleRockets 2 folder? Are there any other files I need for the crafts? Also will this work for subassemblies too?
18.2k plane918273645
Copy the crafts into a file that’s not under SimpleRockets, once you have reinstalled the game put the files back. It should work @JSO18
3,679 JSO18
Or should I just copy entire userdata folder? Entire SimpleRockets folder?
3,679 JSO18
Does anyone know if in files I go to SimpleRockets 2 - userdata - craftdesigns and copy the craft files I want to save into a different folder, than delete and reinstall SimpleRockets 2 and copy the files back into the craft design folder, will I have the crafts or do I need to save more files or is it just not possible? Or if I just copy the whole craftdesigns folder?
3,679 JSO18
Does anyone know if in files I go to SimpleRockets 2 - userdata - craftdesigns and copy the craft files I want to save into a different folder, than delete and reinstall SimpleRockets 2 and copy the files back into the craft design folder, will I have the crafts or do I need to save more files or is it just not possible?
3,679 JSO18
@MSCSpaceworks thanks! Do you know of any way to save some of the craft files before doing this? I have many crafts that are not posted that I do not want to loose
1,873 Silentime
@JSO18 Sorry, I don't know. But just relying on the iPhone, I don't think it will work. Maybe you need to connect to the computer and use some software. It's just speculation.
3,679 JSO18
@Silentime do you know if there is any way to save the craft files, then delete?
3,679 JSO18
@Silentime I think Apple can uninstall and save data, and I have done it but it is still broken
1,873 Silentime
If so, apple can only delete the app, not uninstall it. Delete to remove the applied data.
3,679 JSO18
iPhone SE 2020, also what menu in settings, in the main menu I don’t see it
4,676 MSCSpaceworks
@JSO18 In phone settings, apps, if you find any app, there is option called cache. It's a temporary storage taken by each app. Can I know your phone name?
@JSO18 Cool