What exactly do you guys like to see?

Whenever I post Simplerockets 2 content onto my youtube channel, I never seem to be able to gain much views or even upvotes at all. When I initially staring making Simplerockets 2 content, I hoped that my videos would be much more popular than they are now. I have no ideas on why people don't seem to have a whole lot of interest my SR2 videos.

So tell me if you can think of any sort of reason of why I don't seem to be as popular as I've hoped? And for those who saw my videos, what is your personal opinion?



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    1,873 Silentime

    I like stars. If you introduce stars in the video. I went back to see it. Anonymity, of course.

    4.4 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    I love realistic mission reports in videos. Any lenght but no let's play/live. Good editing and text/speech infos (technical considerations etc) are a plus. Music louder than the voice a no no.
    I can't talk for anyone else :)
    I just watched your SR2: Sunrise, Aircraft, Spyplanes! video, found it OK. Reminds me videos of Nexter's lab or Danny, although less "mad".
    Keep up the good work :)

    +4 4.4 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    Memes and funny content

    4.4 years ago


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