I have no ideas for a name for my 175,000kg auto launch
and the upcoming auto reuse version of it.
Please tell me any name ideas you have!
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3,679 JSO18
@Gio2020ITA I don’t do things like that. I only want people to follow me if I deserve it and I only follow people who deserve it.
2,198 Giova
@JSO18 Also, would you like to follow eachother? (I follow you, you follow me)
3,679 JSO18
@Chtite451SR2 I’ve decided to call the mini one Bullet because it looks and acts more like a bullet. I will call the big one Phoenix.
3,679 JSO18
@Chtite451SR2 I also thought of another: Phoenix. I can’t decide between Bullet and Phoenix.
3,679 JSO18
@Chtite451SR2 I’m making a mini version, going to call it Bullet Mini- do you want me to credit you for the name on the post?
3,679 JSO18
@Chtite451SR2 I like it. Thanks! (@SNSA sorry I’m not using you name I just don’t really understand it)
3,679 JSO18
@Chtite451SR2 it’s so hard because if you ever think of a name you can scroll through crafts for a few minutes and find a craft with the same name
@JSO18 ok then, it wasn't on purpose the offer,so goodbye...