imagine three children
two of them boys one of them a girl
one of the boys has a fantastic fighting ability, the other has a guitar, they both are on love with the girl, so they try to impress her. so the boy with the guitar goes and plays a song for the girl
the girl is impressed and the other one is jellious
so he starts throwing tiny pebbles at the boy with the guitar
the boy playing is starting to get annoyed
but then as the boy playing stops the other boy brings the girl a gift, something that seems so valuable but is very cheep the girls accepts the gift
and the boy who has the guitar has had ennough
and swings his muisical intrument
and strikes the other boy on the head with a piano
person in the backround:Where did the piano come from
Pirates of the Caribbean Intensifies

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    130 FastDan

    What a big build up.

    6.9 years ago
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    118 OwO

    imagine having a girfreind watchucu call LIFE!

    6.9 years ago
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    118 OwO

    imagine having a girfreind and havingwatchucu call JOB!!!

    6.9 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    Imagine having a life

    6.9 years ago

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