Feeling rebellious and want to test out the not-yet-human-rated command pod? Good for you, pushing forward and taking risks in the name of science!

One thing will hold your crew back though... physically getting in....

That's right, take a closer look at those dimensions; 1.25 meter height, and 1.5 meter diameter!
That's actually smaller than the smallest single person capsule NASA ever flew, the Mercury capsule, in 1962, which was said to feel like flying in a tin can. It's so small, you could fit it inside an Apollo command module, which only housed a crew of 3.

So think again before fully crewing your spiffy new space station, or going on a large crew deep space journey, using only one of these bad boys!


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    Personally, one of the first mods I will be making will be "Extra Capsules and Cabins", so that, even though we won't have astronauts in-game yet, we can still have a bit of realism. All assuming more capsules and cabins won't be announced before mod api is.
    That is a good idea, but people tend to not use custom parts while uploading.

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @MrTaco I like it. Squirrels In Space Initiative. SISI. Ethics Board might have a few issues with it, but science must prevail!

    6.9 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    What if the astronauts were really little? Like the size squirrels.

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    Personally, one of the first mods I will be making will be "Extra Capsules and Cabins", so that, even though we won't have astronauts in-game yet, we can still have a bit of realism. All assuming more capsules and cabins won't be announced before mod api is.

    6.9 years ago


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