I did Covid-Test yesterday, and the result of today is that I am positive...
It's fine tho, i don't have "deadly" symptoms, but i still cough and i have cold, i hope i will be alright soon!
Me and also my family are in Quarantine, and my Mom is the only that has symptoms like me, my Dad is fine.
Anyways nothing can stop me (apart school) from posting here, so this is all.
See ya!
@MansBestFriend I used google traductor...
@Natedoge Oh, I saw it now, lol what a FDM (figura di merd*) that I made.. XD
Sorry I forgot to respond. Just look up what tampon means if you want to know that badly. Or, look up English version of it. @Giova
So you should know @Giova
I thought you used google translate? @Giova
Yeaaahhh... @Gio2020ITA
Definitely not similar. If I were you, I wouldn’t use the word tampon In that way. Ever. I mean you could look it up but idk what you want. @Gio2020ITA
@MansBestFriend In Italian "Tampone" is the test you do for checking if you have covid, is similiar in english?
Oh. I’m guessing you do know what a tampon is? @Gio2020ITA
@MansBestFriend You know I'm from Italy, my English isn't that... good...
You ‘did a tampon?’
Get well soon man👍
@Charredschnitzel Yes, absolutely!
@Gio2020ITA is your keyboard alright dude?
@Charredschnitzel I dòn't nèéd a br£àk, ^t's fìne! @lsò, ì'm nòt dyìng òr sòm&thìng, dìd yòù thìnk s=m%th?ng l)ke th(t? N/t $t a!!, ] *m f[ll -f ;n:rgy #ven w+th c°u§ghs 8nd c8ld!
If you need to take a break for awhile it's fine dude. Well just stay safe okay and keep thinking positive I hope we all be fine until things calm down
@Gio2020ITA idc, dont die
@HSH Don't you read the forum? "I don't have deadly symptoms"
Dont die
@MSCSpaceworks @Insanity Anyways mine and my family morale is good, we keep seeing it good as long as it can!
@MSCSpaceworks @Insanity I hope so...
Let's hope you dont get any more serious symptoms and you'll get through this quickly.
I hope you and your family recover fast from covid
@Remedy31 Thanks!
I hope you recover soon 🙂