...things went south rather quickly.

I barely had time to hit the screenshot button before things got even worse.



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    14.2k FalconAero

    @kittman wen RSO went zzzzz during a launch 😂

    3.7 years ago
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    14.2k FalconAero

    @kittman xddddd

    3.7 years ago
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    4,265 kittman

    Here's an hypothetical situation:

    In the block house:
    "RSO? What we're launching we don't need no RSO!"
    Meanwhile, at the launch pad:
    ---Proton launched
    ---Proton immediately decides to head off course, almost as if someone installed a sensor upside down
    ---Proton begins it's uncontrolled "flight" and decent
    ---People who'd gathered to watch/film the launch all begin to poo themselves in unison, wondering if the Proton was going to head for them
    ---Proton finally hits the ground
    ---Proton goes kaBOOM!!!!
    ---People watching/filming launch all begin to hit the ground in their poo-filled pants as the shockwave approaches
    ---Shockwave and sound hits the several groups of people with poo-filled pants, causing a disgusting, nasty and sticky mess.
    Meanwhile, back in the block house:
    "See? Proof positive that an RSO is not needed. The ground does just as good of a job as an RSO... but for free."

    I've said it before, and will say it again... Russians have balls of STEEL. And I can't help but admire them for that. 🤪

    3.7 years ago
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    14.2k FalconAero

    Proton moment

    3.7 years ago

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