Add a new part that has custom geometry. The part can be imported through part properties...
Yeah thats my idea
Idea17 Comments
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6,445 Probreyene
@SpiderSpiderTheAraknis my point is that we can reduce part count if this happens
32 Kwoshent
I agree with this, but at the same time politely disagree. In SP many plat users literally have planes with impossible geometric shapes by just using fuselages and such detail, and goes as far as funky tree (SP's own syntax-based programming language similar to vizzy) cockpit indicators and gauges. One user like @FLOWRIDER0 does it, except we're all still improving here >v •. (I hope this isn't far fetched)
18.2k plane918273645
But doesn’t this go against the “SimpleRockets” name? Like I get you are trying to make the game better but so new people still can’t figure out the standard fuel tank.
6,445 Probreyene
One easy fast option is an import shape option but mobile players are left out
25.6k HyperPatch
something even better would be to just have an option of importing 3d models and converting the polygons to panels
1,114 PointBreak
It'd be nice if we could shape in 3 dimensions and corners. Complex shapes would be much easier to make. Could have a toggle to switch between simple and complex shaping. But a new part would be cool too.
@Probreyene true..