I want to ask all of you to see which planet i should send Tim Dodd to?
Tim Dodd is more widely known as Everyday Astronaught.
Luna: 1
Cylero: 0
Tydos: 1
Urados: 1
Juno: 0
This will go till November 15, 2020 and then i will tally up the votes and which ever one has the highest votes will be the one Tim Dodd will go to!.
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2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@Staticalliam7 ok we have a three way tie currently and we will see what happens next and I will probably build a spacestation to be able to go to the chosen planet!!
2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@HSH It is not for real I plan on naming a droonaut after him.
P.S. I know how he feels about going to mars!. -
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The vote has ended today but a new one will be up to break the three way tie!!!