Hello. Would anyone please explain to me in understandable terms how PCI coordinates work. I'd like to know what each number stands for and how the numbers are converted form common values we normally know.



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    Thank you so much, it does shed some light a bit. I appreciate.

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    3,718 QarabinaKa

    @Arstotzka is not far off. It stands for Planet Centered Inertial. There is a similar thing in reality for Earth, called Earth Centered Inertial. you can find a Wikipedia article for it here. Basically, it is a three axis system. The z-axis passes through the north pole, and the other two axes through the equatorial plane. The important thing about the system is it does not move with the planet. So the x-axis will always point in the same direction, no matter where the planet is in its orbit, and no matter how it rotates. Hope this helps some!

    4.4 years ago

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