Whenever Andrew comes out with a blog update, there are so many people that say: Please add this to Simple Planes. Why isn’t this in Simple Planes? When will this be added to Simple Planes? The answer is probably never. That’s because Simple Rockets 2 will be everything Simple Planes was but more.
I understand that maybe you don’t have the money for Simple Rockets 2. Here’s the thing though. Did you buy Simple Planes for Simple Rockets 2’s features? If you buy Final Fantasy VII do you get Final Fantasy VIII? Well no, of course not.
In conclusion, if you like to make cars, planes, and boats then don’t panic. You’ll be able to make them in Simple Rockets 2. And if you don’t want to have to pay for Simple Rockets 2 then think about the devs. Making this game is their job and their way to make money, and if they can’t make money, they won’t continue to make our favorite games.

So... boom.
There you go.
Stop asking for Simple Planes to be Simple Rockets.


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    532 JoshMan

    @EagleFlyer the 2 games are built in 2 different engines. It would be like making the part from scratch even if you have the 3d models already done

    7.0 years ago
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    I do get this, and it's a great point. But with some things (like the ability to change rim styles, as shown in Andrew's newest update) I don't see why they couldn't leak into SP.

    To try and put it a better way, if it's something that is already in SP, and the only difference between it and it's SR2 counter-part is minor (like a cosmetic option) then why shouldn't it be able to leak over from one game to the other?

    But if it's something major like a entirely new part (IE Farings, Docking Ports, Solar Panels, etc)? That can stay where it is

    7.0 years ago
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    588 Awsomur


    7.0 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    A little bit.@AwesomePlanesZelda

    7.0 years ago
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    does anyone even play sr1 anymore?

    7.0 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan
    7.0 years ago
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    118 OwO

    we must build that wall to keep pirats from coming aaccros that border

    7.0 years ago
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    118 OwO

    No U

    7.0 years ago
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    110 Fjorge

    Also no pirating... that makes devs sad because they don’t get the money

    7.0 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    Thank you. @Bmcclory

    7.0 years ago


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