Hi all,

New to SR2 and vizzy. I am trying to make an auto staging program using side boosters. I know how to stage using fuel <= 0. But the problem arises when you have side boosters igniting together with a center core. I could not find a way to say "fuel of specific tanks < = 0, then stage". Of course I could write a program with a fixed staging after x seconds, but what is the fun in that?!

Is there a way to do it? Similar question arises when using asparagus staging.




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    3,554 vghfr

    I guess wait until altitude = (whatever the altitude is when fuel = 0)

    4.3 years ago
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    using part# mass (of the side booster fuel tanks) also works - by activating the stage when it reaches empty mass

    4.3 years ago
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    1,673 MrProfessor

    try to use PerformanceEngineThrust.

    set a variable to PerformanceEngineThrust

    compare this previous set variable PerformanceEngineThrust to the current PerformanceEngineThrust

    if the boosters ran out of fuel its engine will stop so the current PerformanceEngineThrust will be less than the previously set variable, then activate staging

    4.3 years ago

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