Seeing a lot of the same questions in recent blog posts, so I compiled some of them and researched Andrew's past answers. Hopefully sharing this with people will be easier than having valuable dev time be wasted on giving the same answers over and over.

Feel free to ask more questions here where I will look through Andrew's past comments to find an answer.

All of this is info as of 10/4/18

Q: When release?
A: Beta in "June-ish" on Steam, and later year for mobile release

Q: Cost?
A: Same as simple planes; $13 on steam and $5 on mobile

Q: Can you make it free?
A: (my personal response here) No these are adult developers who run a company. They require money to continue to develop and put great things out while also LIVING.

Q: cargo bays?
A: Confirmed

Q: mining for resources?
A: no current plans

Q: Modding API
A: This will be a post beta feature

Q: Can we get some of these things in SP?
A: Most likely not.
"We're a tiny dev team and it's hard to devote the time to multiple projects at once. We've tried in the past and it just doesn't work."
Also I'd like to direct you to a recent post by @MrTaco

Q: can we port planes from SP?
A: "It's conceivable that a few parts will be able to be ported over from SP to SR2, such as fuselage pieces and wings, but several parts won't be compatible."

Q: Will things have cost now?
A: yes and no. There will be both a career and sandbox mode

Q: Struts
A: "No plans for struts, but that may change in the future."

Q: How detailed will the solar system be?
A: "Craters yes. Asteroid belt no."

Q: re-entry?
A: "on the todo list, but it's not done yet."

Q: ship recovery?
A: "Recovery will be a thing for other parts, but not for fairings."
This will be edited additionally as more questions come in


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    532 JoshMan

    @NerdsGalore thanks for the support. I think the main issue is several people don't even go to the original FAQ. We can only hope for a brighter future when it comes to people reading pre-existing info.

    6.9 years ago
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    Finally! I hate seeing the same questions over and over. I hope Andrew sees this and makes it VERY VERY noticable and obvious

    +2 6.9 years ago
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    118 OwO

    @JoshMan nvm

    6.9 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Thederpingmemes ?

    6.9 years ago
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    118 OwO

    6.9 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Bmcclory good catch thanks

    6.9 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    If there was a free version it would have ads, but that would be annoying. Every five minutes you get an ad while in the editor. Or maybe an ad pops up right when you want to finish a maneuver, in turn causing you to overshoot your burn by hundreds of m/s. Just because you couldn’t press that tiny, impossible to tap, X.
    Ah, sounds great.

    But seriously. I don’t think that that’s the kind of game they’re going for.

    +4 6.9 years ago


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