Above question refers. I'm asking this to make interplanetary transfer windows easier to determine. Is there a Vizzy way to calculate this? If so, I'm politely asking for the code if you may be so kind. Thank you so much.😊
Is there a way to calculate phase angle difference between two planets using Vizzy?
4.2 years ago
Question4 Comments
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@Insanity I'm sorry. 😂 It's just that I have always regarded the subject or title field as a place where you put your reference and in letter fashion, I'm used to writing the reference in caps, even on emails. Not that it's always the norm, its just something I'm used to. Call it a force of habit. 😂😂😂 Will change it promptly.
Would you happen to know how best to arrange the Vizzy code to do this?
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@Insanity Great, will check them out, maybe even try to convince them to make it into a mod😂😂😂